Meeting Date:     January 29, 2004                          Budgeted: N/A

Program/Line Item No.: N/A

Staff Contact:       Eric Sandoval                               Cost Estimate: N/A


General Counsel Approval:  N/A     

Committee Recommendation: N/A

CEQA Compliance: N/A



A Geographic Information System, better known as a GIS, is a powerful computer-based mapping program that allows for the creation, distribution, and analysis of a wide variety of information. GIS captures, stores, analyzes and displays complex datasets for solving research, planning and management problems.  These attributes allow GIS to perform complex geospatial analysis.  The purpose of the MPWMD Geographic Information Systems Program is to provide analytical geospatial support to staff.  


GIS will more effectively communicate complex information regarding the District mission, its activities, and public water issues.  Previously, GIS at the District had been built on a project by project basis through the use of consultants. The current goal is to develop an agency-wide GIS program to inventory, assess, manage and analyze data from regions which share common challenges utilizing in-house expertise.  The following paragraphs highlight activities in the October-December 2003 period.  The next quarterly report will be prepared for the April 2004 meeting.


Fuctional Requirement Study and GIS Needs Assessment — A Functional Requirement Study and GIS Needs Assessment Report is currently being prepared. The purpose is to:


A draft report should be completed by mid-February 2004. 


Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments (AMBAG) Orthophotography Project — The Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments (AMBAG) has entered into a cooperative agreement with MPWMD regarding a Regional Orthophotography Project.  AMBAG has entered into a technical services contract with SANBORN Colorado, L.L.C. to provide technical and professional services related to orthophotography of the Monterey Bay Region.  SANBORN will produce a series of aerial orthoimagery products requested by MPWMD.


MPWMD has requested data that covers area within the District boundary.  Two levels of image resolution have been requested: 6 inch and 2 foot.   MPWMD has requested 517, 2-foot resolution tiles and 429, 6-inch resolution tiles.  In addition to the imagery, other data products provided with each tile are: elevation data, topography models, imagery in MrSID compression format, geodectic control points and an accuracy assessment report.  In addition, 2-foot elevation contours will be provided with the 6-inch resolution tiles.


Aerial photography and high resolution elevation acquisition flights were conducted in July 2003.  SANBORN has been processing, editing, and verifying the data.  To date, MPWMD has received partial products for 433 2-foot tiles, and 85 6-inch tiles.  Of the tiles that have been received, 199 have been reviewed and recommendations have been submitted to the Central Coast Joint Data Committee’s Orthoimagery subcommittee, the group that is responsible for accuracy of the data.  Detailed information regarding the project timeline is provided in Exhibit 22-A. 


During this reporting period, District staff has continued to represent MPWMD at Orthophotography workshops, review sessions, and informational meetings.  The overall effort of this project has been to acquire high resolution data while leveraging the resources of the District with other agencies.


File Management and Organization — During this reporting period, District staff has continued to evaluate current data management and organizational procedures.  The following is a list of on-going or completed tasks:

·        Reviewing existing projects and acquiring information for the Functional Requirement Study

·        Developing data models and new database schema for district-wide data collection

·        Developing data sharing policy and procedures with other agencies

·        Establishing relationships with local government and agencies to facilitate collaboration for GIS

·        Establishing common data repository, version control system and data / document management system for easy data access

·        Completed an initial review of available electronic and hard-copy data

·        Implemented a standard for metadata documentation.  MPWMD geospatial datasets are now compliant with the Federal Geographic Data Committee standard. Metadata is documentation which describes the accuracy, methodology, source, contact information, etc. of a geospatial dataset.

The File Management and Organizational review is expected to be completed by April 2004. 


Data Collection and Conversion — During this reporting period, District staff has required support for ongoing projects.  Due to these needs data collection and conversion has been necessary even though a formal GIS program is not in place.  The following is a

list which summarizes and describes activities, but is not necessarily related to one particular project.  In fact, many of the items below are related to several ongoing District projects.

·        Verification of municipal and service boundaries

·        Collate internal / external electronic and hard-copy data formats

·        Ensure that spatial data is in the recommended projection and coordinate system (State Plane NAD 83, California zone IV, feet)

·        Review and record Federal Geographic Data Committee compliant metadata in a document and GIS management system

·        Develop data conversion tools and procedures

·        Develop data validation tools and protocol

·        Validate and correct spatial and tabular data errors in existing datasets


Staff is continually in the process of Data Collection and Conversion.  This will be an on-going effort.  Review of specific datasets will vary project by project.


Staff and Project Support


The following is a list of on-going or completed tasks or projects:

·        Coordinating with Carmel Riviera Mutual Water Company to review the District and Service Area boundaries in the Carmel Highlands area.

·        Coordinating with USGS to review the Carmel River Alluvial Aquifer Boundaries in comparison to the USGS Water Resources Investigations Report 83-4280.

·        Consultation with District staff to consolidate the Red-Legged Frog information and convert to GIS.

·        Coordinating with District staff to produce Benthic Macro-Invertebrate site location maps for the BMI Study.

·        Refine file structure for archiving digital images, diagrams, and figures for District-wide distribution.

·        Establishing a digital conversion standard for documents, images and diagrams.

·        Providing GIS training documents and literature to District staff.

·        Produce maps to assist with Ordinance 105 evaluation

·        Produce data and a map which delineates the Seaside Groundwater Basin for direct comparison with the State of California, Department of Water Resources Groundwater Basin Map

·        Create GIS data layers for: The MPWMD District Boundary, Monterey County Rivers and Streams, the Carmel River Watershed Boundary, and the Carmel River Alluvial Aquifer Boundary.


